Enchanted Forest: Prom 2023

The Glenbard North Prom Planning Committee is getting ready to plan the celebration of the high school career for upperclassmen by hosting a Prom for any juniors and seniors who wish to attend.

This event will be held on Saturday, May 13, 2023, at Boback’s Signature Events in Woodbridge from 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM. Post Prom will be held on Lake Michigan on a midnight cruise. The theme is Enchanted Forest, which was a unanimous decision by the committee. 

The Prom Planning Committee has been working together to create a Prom to remember. They have to call outside sources, set rules and restrictions, and create a fun environment for the students to enjoy. Julie Shannon, a Glenbard North counselor and head of the Prom Planning Committee, said, “With outside people, I do a lot of networking.” Shannon has been working as the head of the committee for 3 years and works to gather any contact or idea that includes Prom. 

Not only does Shannon work with outside sources, but she also asks for student opinions. Shannon said that she “put out a survey to juniors and seniors to see if they’d be interested in the committee.” She believes that working with students will help her gain a better insight on how to make Prom enjoyable. Shannon is working especially hard this year, which is special for seniors since “they came in during COVID.” During the rise of COVID, Prom was canceled or they had to take extra precautions by splitting them into groups. Now, COVID restrictions have been lowered close to a setting of normalcy, allowing Prom to continue as normal.

Not only has the Prom Planning Committee been busy getting ready for Prom, but seniors and juniors have been planning to have the perfect Prom for a while. Elise Lavaty, ‘23,  said, “I went to four different dress stores on five different occasions until I finally found the dress that I liked, which took a really long time.” Since Prom is special for juniors and seniors, Lavaty and many other students take the time to make it extra special by finding the right outfit  as it is their last event before graduating high school 

As Glenbard North plans its Prom, they leave out the idea of having a Prom King and Queen, a tradition that usually occurs during the Prom season. This choice has not been a huge problem among students, but it has been for parents since they experienced this tradition years ago. Glenbard North’s principal John Mensik’s personal past experiences with Prom shaped his decision to get rid of Prom King and Queen. He is hypersensitive to scenarios where people are thrust into the spotlight against their will. Mensik supported his decision by stating, “I just wanted to create a program that was just more accepting for everybody.” Mensik believes that getting rid of Prom King and Queen creates a more accepting environment for everyone, especially during a big, special event. 

No matter what decisions are being made, Glenbard juniors and seniors have been looking forward to having a night of fun. Jainie Shah, ‘23, said “I’ve been looking online to see the types of dress styles I would like. I’ve been waiting for this moment since freshman year of high school .” Shah and many others are getting ready to celebrate their high school career by picking the perfect attire, being with friends, and dancing until the night ends.