Write Place Opening

Ready, set, write! The Write Place is officially open for the 2022-2023 school year, its seventh year at GN. With one-on-one peer tutoring and a relaxed environment, the Write Place offers writing assistance during all lunch periods. Located in room 1406 in the downstairs Green Hallway, Write Place can help with any type of writing assignment, including resumes, outlines, speeches, and essays, from all subjects. Best of all, the Write Place accepts walk-in appointments again. Last year, the Write Place required students to make appointments in advance due to the pandemic, leading to a decrease in clients. With the absence of Covid restrictions, Write Place advisor Marissa Talarico hopes that the Write Place “will be fully functioning” and “will get a lot more clients coming in,” along with hosting different promotions to get more students involved. 

Currently with 34 tutors, the Write Place is always looking for more help. Any juniors or seniors interested in becoming a tutor should stop by the Write Place for an application. As Talarico puts it, the Write Place is ready for the “big rush of students wanting help.”

Tutors Caroline Rieger, ’24, and Ryan Murcia, ’24, look over an essay. (Ryan Lynch, ’26)